from our CEO

Dear reader,

In 2023, we accelerated our efforts towards a sustainable future with sheet metal and beyond. This report underscores our advancements, demonstrating how our products and solutions are empowering customers to enhance energy and resource efficiency, boost productivity, and support the decarbonization of both our operations and the broader industry.

Bystronic is committed to taking a leading role in decarbonizing the sheet metal industry, working towards a low-carbon economy and delivering on the European Green Deal and the Net-Zero Industry Act. In 2023, we stepped up our decarbonization efforts. We joined the Science Based Targets initiative, increasing our ambition to ­further reduce the carbon emissions of our business, our suppliers, and our customers. By 2030, we aim to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 42% and our Scope 3 emissions by 25%.

Bystronic is committed to developing talent, supporting career growth paths, and providing equal opportunities. Historically, the sheet metal industry has been male-dominated, and women are underrepresented in leadership positions. To counteract this, we are proud that our Board of Directors has set a clear goal to increase female representation in management positions to 25% by 2030.

In a significant leadership transition for 2024, Bystronic’s Board of Directors has appointed Domenico Iacovelli as the new Chief Executive Officer: “Domenico’s extensive experience and vision are in perfect harmony with our objectives. We are confident that his leadership will drive Bystronic to generate continued value for all stakeholders.”

We want to thank our employees, suppliers, and partners for their continued efforts. We are proud of all the initiatives that are proposed and implemented. These continuously drive our business forward. We are confident that our partnerships and their entrepreneurial drive to find new solutions will contribute to our progress in meeting our sustainability goals.

We invite you all to become part of this journey.

Domenico Iacovelli
CEO Bystronic