ESG Strategy
Bystronic is one of the world’s leading technology companies in the sheet metal processing industry, operating in four regions: EMEA, Americas, Asia-Pacific, and China. Our global presence provides an extensive sales and service network and ensures proximity to our customers. Bystronic has been listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange since 2021.
Sustainability as part of our strategy
Sustainability is integral to our business strategy, enabling Bystronic to create lasting value that benefits our customers and stakeholders.
Sustainability journey
Following the transformation of Conzzeta, Bystronic started its sustainability journey as a stand-alone company in 2021. Since that year, Bystronic has embedded sustainability into its core strategy based on three pillars: Sustainable Solutions, Engaged People and Responsible Business. From full Scope 3 emissions assessment, setting SBTi-aligned targets to reporting on our progress, we continue to drive measurable impact and industry transformation.
Double Materiality
Bystronic’s impact goes far beyond the operations and is directly tied to the operations of its suppliers and customers. Significantly, around 70% of the company’s value chain emissions are generated from customers’ use of our products. Taking a value chain approach to sustainability materiality assessment allows Bystronic to identify a broader range of risks, impacts, and opportunities. The double materiality assessment process is based on input from various stakeholders, such as industry associations, suppliers, customers, employees, and investors.
Stakeholder Engagement
We foster mutually beneficial relationships with all our stakeholders by prioritizing their needs and concerns. This approach allows us to facilitate meaningful and productive discussions with those who will be impacted by our actions. We maintain ongoing communication and actively seek input from various stakeholder groups regarding sustainability issues.
Ambitions and Framework
The foundation of our framework rests on three pillars, which we believe will make the biggest difference. These pillars are a representation of our actions in ESG.
In 2021, we conducted a materiality assessment to identify the topics that are most relevant for our business. We developed impactful ambitions out of which we created our strategic framework. This ensures ESG is integrated in our business strategy and executed decentrally via all departments and employees.
In 2024, we advanced in the Science-Based Target validation process.
Sustainability governance
We recognize that effective governance is crucial to achieving our 2030 sustainability mid-term targets. Since the start of our sustainability journey, we have been taking steps to continuously improve our approach to governance.
Performance Management
At Bystronic, we have integrated sustainability into our business strategy and decentralized execution throughout the organization so that sustainability becomes the way we do business. To constantly track and improve our sustainability performance, we are using our proprietary ESG performance management system, a comprehensive approach towards end-to-end sustainability management.